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How to Store Coffee Beans and Preserve Their Freshness

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The quality of the bean is the most important aspect of your morning cup of Joe. The higher the quality, the better the taste and overall perception, and vice versa. Since fresh coffee is not easy to maintain, knowing the shelf life of your beans and storing them properly can save you both money and time.

There are different methods you can employ to extend freshness, maintain quality and ensure value-for-money is observed. It depends on what kind of coffee beans you have in hand. In this article we’ll cover storing the following: 

  1. Storing roasted whole beans 
  2. Storing green coffee Beans
  3. Storing ground coffee. 

Storing Roasted Whole Beans.

When properly stored, whole roasted beans can stay fresh for up to a month. That being said, you should try to use up your coffee ideally within a week if you want to enjoy the full flavor, as it may become stale over the time.  

Factors that affect the Freshness of Roasted Coffee Beans: 

  1. Moisture: Coffee beans have a high tendency to absorb moisture, which affects the taste. Airtight bags with release valves are the best bet for maintaining freshness and flavor for as long as possible. The release valves ensure an oxygen-free environment while slowly releasing carbon dioxide that the beans release. 
  2. Light: exposure to light can affect the taste negatively because it causes the chemical compounds within the bean to break down, therefore make sure to store the coffee in opaque containers. 
  3. Oxygen/ Air: When exposed to oxygen, coffee molecules break down and oxidize making it taste stale. This is another reason why coffee is not recommended to be stored after it is grounded.
  4. Temperature: Heat depletes the coffee bean flavor and it allows moisture to develop, coffee should be stored in a cool place. 
  5. Time: It is important to note however that no matter how well you store your coffee, it will inevitably go stale over time. 

Freezing beans is a great way of maintaining freshness. The coffee beans should be well packed in airtight bags or jars and then placed in the freezer. Freezing temperatures will slow down the escape of carbon dioxide which retains freshness for a little bit longer.

Always remember to thaw and defrost the beans after removing them from the freezer. At least two days of defrosting are recommended before use.

Storing Green Coffee Beans.

Green coffee is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture rapidly with disastrous effects and so it is very susceptible to moisture, water, heat, and extreme temperatures. Green coffee coming into contact with water or moisture is a defect known as black beans or water-damaged beans. These are considered defects because these black beans are not fit for human consumption and should be immediately discarded.

Factors that Affect the Storage and Freshness of Green Coffee: 

  1. Moisture: Green coffee needs to be stored in a cool dry place. Dry packaging materials are important such as jute bags or sisal bags. It should not be stored directly on the floor or touching the walls. 
  2. Air: For small batches, green coffee should be stored in airtight containers. 
  3. Direct sunlight: You should avoid storing green coffee beans under direct sunlight. 
  4. Odor: Green coffee should also be stored away from substances that emit any odor such as petrol or diesel. The coffee beans easily absorb any odors they come into contact with.
  5. Temperature: Storing green beans at very high temperatures accelerates aging and the result is woody beans that are of very low quality.

Freezing Green Beans: 

Green beans can also be stored in a freezer, it is a relatively new method of storing green coffee. The very low temperatures minimize bacterial activity just make sure to follow the same rules of air-tight, opaque containers and no water or direct light exposure. 

Vacuum Sealing Green Beans: 

Green beans can also be vacuum sealed. This will invariably maintain their viability and freshness for a much longer time and ensure no moisture comes into contact with the beans. Vacuum sealing is an expensive method and better suited for large consignments of coffee, or when transporting the coffee in containers over the sea.

Storing Ground Coffee.

It is not recommended to store ground coffee as it is the most volatile form of coffee. It loses its aroma and flavors very rapidly and hence utmost care should be taken when handling and storing ground coffee. If possible, you should grind the exact amount of roasted whole beans that you need to make at the moment.

Factors that affect the Freshness of Roasted Coffee Beans: 

  1. Sunlight: Just like the other two forms, i.e. green beans, and roasted beans, ground coffee should be stored in airtight containers and away from direct sunlight. Darker areas such as cupboards or cabinets are the best. It is also wise to avoid smelly areas or areas with strong odors that may be absorbed by the coffee grounds.
  2. Air and moisture: Air and moisture are the enemies of ground coffee and therefore, these elements should not be allowed to get into contact with ground coffee. 
  3.  Temperature: Refrigerators are not ideal storage options for ground coffee. Storing the coffee grounds at room temperature will guarantee a longer period of freshness, so long as they are in an airtight, dry container.

Freezing Ground Coffee: 

When in the original packaging, coffee grounds can be frozen in a freezer. As long as moisture does not seep into the packaging, freezing will grant you a longer period of freshness. You should however be wary of freezer burn. As with the roasted beans, make sure to defrost the grounds before brewing.

It is a good idea to ensure that you only buy ground coffee that you will consume within the shortest time possible. It is recommended to buy your coffee from your local coffee shop or roastery where the coffee is roasted and ground freshly. Supermarket coffee may have overstayed on the shelves and may be disappointing.

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