• Source: Ethiopia + Brazil
•Processor: Natural dryer
• Strain: Helerium
• Notes: caramel, chocolate, peach, walnut, sweetness - medium consistency
The crop is suitable for filter drinks and espresso drinks with a moderate consistency
It is recommended to use it after 14 days from the roasting date
Suggested recipe (V60): temperature 90, amount of water 300 ml, weight of coffee 20 g, final time 3:00, richo 1:15, medium coarse grind.
First pour: 40 ml, time 0:35
Second pour to 120 ml, time 1:20
Third pouring: to 240 ml, time 2:10
Fourth pour to 300 ml, time 2:50
Suggested espresso recipe: temperature 90, coffee weight 18g, extraction 33ml, preparation time 33 seconds, pressure 9 bar