Ground coffee residue, black color from La Parista

Ground coffee residue, black color from La Parista

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Specifications of a leftover ground coffee tube, black color:-
Product type: leftover coffee tube.
Targeted group: Everyone.
Materials: Made of durable plastic materials.
Color: Black.
Shape: A long cylindrical tube that contains an opening at the top 
Features of a black ground coffee leftover pipe.
The black ground coffee leftover pipe is made of durable plastic, which is one of the highest international materials, as it is well-made and resistant to breakage and damage, which adds to its long lifespan.
The ground coffee leftover pipe is distinguished by its color Black: It is made in a black color that suits your taste and adds a modern and distinctive look to your coffee corner.
It works to retain the falling coffee residue while pouring the coffee.
It is distinguished by keeping your bar corner clean and free of falling coffee residue.

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