• Source: Brazil
•Processor: Natural dryer
• Breed: Bourbon
• Notes: caramel-chocolate-walnut - medium consistency
The crop is suitable for filter drinks and espresso drinks of moderate consistency
It is recommended to use it after 14 days from the roasting date
Suggested recipe (V60): temperature 90, amount of water 300 ml, weight of coffee 20 g, final time 3:00, richo 1:15, medium coarse grind.
First pour: 40 ml, time 0:35
Second pour to 120 ml, time 1:20
Third pouring: to 240 ml, time 2:10
Fourth pour to 300 ml, time 2:50
Suggested espresso recipe: temperature 90, coffee weight 18g, extraction 33ml, preparation time 33 seconds, pressure 9 bar